Pearl Markets

An open roleplay environment for vendors and customers alike within the Pearl Lane (Balmung)! Running bi-weekly on Monday Nights (EST)

Recent Decree Allows for 'Pop Up' Markets within zoned section of the Pearl Lane.

New news from Ul'dah as an agreement between the Trade Syndicate and Hingan Trade Envoy Lyandra Sov have found a new way to break ground within the markets of Ul'dah. The far section of the Pearl Lane has now found itself with temporary zoning to those that wish to pedal what wares, goods and services up for offer on the basis that all merchant stalls, carts or 'pop ups' are easily transportable and removed so that during non-operation hours the zoned area is clear of clutter! As such a few hearty merchants have already began to set up shop, citing that they will be there once a moon to sell what they have to offer!

Active Vendors

Lyas Yatai

Mitu Mixtures

Moonshadows Archive and Antiquities

Tempestuous Talismans

The Prancing Stag

Miss Woadbyne's Bag of Wonders

Gil-Gotten Gains

Sea Stand

Cloud Bao Bakery

Cassidy's Stop n' Repair Shop

Literary Delights

No Carts, Just Bags

Genkai Denkai's Emporium of Oddities

Escherson's Flower Shop

Arsenic and Old Lace

Empyrean Forge

Briar's Mystic Medicines

Enchanting Enchantments

Yua's Goldsmithing

Lucky Lunar Spirits

The Peacock's Praise

Silhouette Silks

Heartful Harvest

The Painted Peryton



  • All carts must find themselves within the rules and regulations set by the Markets of Ul'dah.

  • Wares and services must be legal.

  • Carts, Stalls, or Pop Ups must be easily removed or taken down if required.

  • Edible items must be safe for consumption.

  • Items sold that are inherently dangerous, destructive, or unstable must be advertised as such.

  • Carts, Stalls or Pop Ups must be removed during off hours.

  • Recruitment Stalls for Free Companies are allowed but must be vetted by Lyandra Sov.

  • Hard selling, scams, or dubious market practices will have those involved with trade licenses immediately suspended and investigated.


  • Fighting within the market is prohibited and those found doing so will be removed.

  • Sales within the Pearl Markets are final.

  • If looking to trade, or sell wares, please contact Lyandra Sov.

  • Thievery and other criminal acts will not be tolerated.

  • Acts and/or conversations not fit for public consumption that fall within the lewd, vulgar or morally detestable categories will not be permitted within hours of operation.

  • Thievery and other criminal acts will not be tolerated.

  • Those that cause disruption or seek to inflame or start trouble will be asked to leave, and if continued removed from the markets.

OOC Info

The Pearl Markets look to cultivate friendly and open roleplay for all who wish to involve themselves, within certain parameters. We reserve the right to dictate the removal or expulsion of those that are found to be disruptive or actively seek to cause problems for those of this community. Lewd, unfitting, or vulgar stalls, actions or characters will be prohibited from participation as we wish not to have overly heavy themes within our market. (I.E. Slavery, Prostitution, Public Nudity, etc.)
While we have a syncshell so our patrons can see the carts and work those have put effort to bring to the population of FFXIV, we ask that any modifications that fall into any of the above categories.
-Distracting sounds
-Ridiculous proportions
-NSFW content in the open (Keep it PG-13 outside the privacy of your own home)
-Facesculpts or other modifications that do not fit FFXIV or the RP Community we are attempting to cultivate.
Are to go without use within the market syncshell. If such is found to be distracting or fall outside of the guidelines players in question will be expunged from the Shell at our discretion.With the serious business out of the way any and all inquries can be sent to Legion within our discord! I hope you enjoy our market and have fun!